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Catholic Women's League (CWL)

St. John XXIII CWL Meeting: Saturday, Feb. 8 at 2PM in Meeting Room 1
If you are interested in becoming a member, please join us. 

The Catholic Women's League (CWL) is committed to faith development, upholding Christian values and education, the understanding of religious freedom, social justice, peace and harmony, the recognition of the human dignity of all people and the sanctity of life from conception until natural death.  


There are three CWL Council in Divine Mercy Parish:

CWL - Saint Andrew Council: Sherry Peacock,

CWL - Saint Clement Council: Liz Doyle,

CWL - Saint John XXIII Council: Ann Marie Shubert,



CWL - Saint Andrew Council

Meets monthly from September to May on Sunday afternoons.  
The Saint Andrew CWL Council was formed in October 1960 and currently has 37 members. In addition to general monthly meetings, Diocesan, Provincial and National Conventions, the Saint Andrew CWL contribute to the community through preparing meals for Hope Cottage, performing Pastoral Outreach to shut-ins, catering funeral receptions, assisting the residents of nursing homes in the community, catering Christmas parties for the residents of Oceanview Manor, and many other activities. In addition to the above activities, we donate to a number of organizations, including, but not limited to: Alice Housing, Elizabeth Fry Society, Chalice, Development and Peace, local food bank, local Christmas Food boxes, Advent Backpack program, Steubenville Atlantic, Palliative Care, Camp Tidnish and many others organizations in need. We work with the other two CWL Councils in the Parish for special events such as First Communion and Lenten Stations of the Cross.


CWL Saint Clement Council

General meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Saint Clement Church Hall.

The Saint Clement CWL Council was formed on December 8th, 1955. We continue to carry the torch of our charter members to help those in need in our broader world. We support community, national and international charities and projects.  Examples include; the Canadian Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) that addresses poverty, war and displacement that shatter innocent lives, the Catholic Missions in Canada, the development of the CCCB palliative care tool kit, and the newly restructured Development and Peace/Caritas Canada. In addition to supporting the national CWL projects, we continue to adopt a family through the "Save a Family" plan and support ProLife endeavours through our Christmas Card sales. Locally, we support the IWK Health Centre, Dartmouth South Academy, local food banks and the Saint Clement Conference of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul as well as the Grab-N-Go and the Advent Backpack programs.


While the pillar of social justice is central to many of our activities, our two other pillars, faith and service, are equally important in our council. We are a voice of advocacy by considering topics for resolutions that call for action on the part of our legislators and follow League resolutions action plans that address societal concerns such as Euthanasia/Medical Assistance in Dying, Indigenous Relations and environmental concerns. 


Members have opportunities to grow in faith through Eucharistic Celebrations, League Spiritual programs, retreats, workshops, webinars and just gathering as sisters in prayer and spiritual reflection. We also provide a council bursary to graduating students from Divine Mercy Parish to attend post-secondary education and donate to a diocesan-level CWL bursary that supports members and their children in their educational endeavours. It is essential to have fun and that is always in the planning and we grow in solidarity through the social gatherings and general meetings.


CWL Saint John XXIII Council

General meetings are every third Monday at 7:00 p.m. and from January to March, our meetings are every third Saturday at 1:00 p.m.

The Saint John XXIII CWL Council has been active for 48 years and currently has 74 registered members. All our good work is done with our Patroness, Our Lady of Good Council guiding us with her love and grace. Our charitable works this past year, which are always faith driven, extend from our church to our community, throughout Canada and to those countries most in need. We supplied meals on a regular basis to both Hope Cottage and Margaret's House. With utmost compassion for the dying and their beloved ones, we purchased, stocked and maintained two Palliative Care Sharing Carts at Dartmouth General Hospital. Monetary donations were made to the Advent Backpack project, Divine Mercy Youth Group, Chalice, Phoenix House, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Mass for Shut-Ins and to our Five CWL National Charities. We also made monetary donations to the Catholic Near East Welfare Association and supported a Children's Orphanage in Poland. 


Our Council oversees both the Women's Monday Social Group and the Women's Walking Group. A CWL Bursary was awarded in 2022 and we oversee the Angela Stuckless and Cindy Belair Memorial Bursary. Donations of hats, socks, gloves and personal items were collected for Hope Cottage, Phoenix House and the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia. Our Council monitors legislation of social justice from all levels to keep informed on current changes. We stay updated and educated on the ever-changing medical issues and illnesses that may affect not only our members but our entire country, and beyond. Whenever called upon, we host receptions. 


A recent purchase was made for signage indicating the Church and Parish Office Entrance and the Hall Entrance. We are very grateful for the parishioners of Saint John XXIII who continue to show us so much support which enables our council to continue our good work for God and Canada.

Divine Mercy Parish Office: 35 Colby Dr, Dartmouth, NS B2V 1N7
Phone: 902-435-3090

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